Friday, April 9, 2010

Vegetarian Sambal Oyster Mushroom for Nasi Lemak (Scientific name, Pleurotus ostreatus)

Oyster mushroom is rather common edible mushroom and it is easily available in every part of the world. This tasty mushroom contains statins(ie. Lovastatin), which helps to reduce cholesterol in our body.
The Oyster mushroom is widely used in Asian cooking. I thought it would be a good idea to use oyster mushroom in my vegetarian nasi lemak sambal recipe. For a little crunchy aromatic flavour , I added my home fried groundnuts in the dish.

Oyster Mushroom, 1 rice bowl
Onions, 1 pc, chopped finely
Chilly paste, 2 table spoons
Salt to taste
Vegetarian oyster sauce, 1 tablespoon (optional)
Ground nuts, ½ cup, fried until crunchy

Heat up wok and add a little vegetable oil. Sautéed onions and chilly paste mixture until fragrant. Add salt and oyster mushroom. Fry until mushroom is cooked. Add the ground nuts. Serve with nasi lemak (coconut milk rice).


Sushma Mallya said...

i have never tasted oyster mushrooms, but seems really good...such a easy dish too, will try this quick delicious one soon...

Lazaro Cooks said...

Oyster mushrooms are one of my favorites. So full of flavor. Great dish.

tigerfish said...

Nice to add sambal to mushrooms....

TREAT AND TRICK said... this dish, great adddition to nasi lemak. Didn't know that oyster mushroom contains lovastatin, thanks for the info.....

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Hi Pete,

my second daughter has turned vegetarian. I will refer her to your site. The rest of the family, we are meat lovers, but I cook my vegetables vegetarain for her.

That little boy is my son Sam. He is 13 now. So if you want to see what your son will be like when he is thirteen, you can sroll down that post to see what he will be like.

May be you are my long lost bro. LOL

Which city are you?



Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Wow that is a great blog! I look forward to trying out some of the recipes.


I refer this to my daughter and this was what she said.

Sook said...

Mmm that looks good!

shahana said...

Loved the ingredients used in the mushroom dish!Thanks for sharing!